Job market data with modern technology..

September 30, 2023
Job market data with modern technology.. Efforts are being made to widen its reach through pilot level of experience the Labor Market Information System (LMIS) that the Ministry of Labor and Skills. One of the institutions providing services in Addis Ababa city Yeka subcity woreda 09 is one center service station. Mr. Argaw Ayenew, the center’s jobs coordinator, stated that earlier job seekers and enterprises that come to the institution were registering. Now the center is providing technology-assisted services and is registering. They said that the job market information system that is being implemented ensures the quality of information and fair access. The coordinator who pointed out that the center is also working on registering government employees of the district through the Lemaw system. The system will prevent the loss of files and false reports and enable clear information system to exist in the country. Users have also stated that they are getting the services they need in the center. September 19/2016 E.C. M Ministry of Labour and Skills For current fresh information from Ministry of Labour and Skills On the website : – Facebook: – Telegram: TikTok: – Mols official follow us by liking.
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